Career Path on Upward Trajectory for Newly Qualified Natasha Askew

Winn Group offers a range of opportunities for staff to progress their careers – not dependent on job roles, we seek to enhance the career prospects of every single individual.

Natasha Askew is the latest outstanding example of employees striving to evolve in their roles and make the next step with Winns.

One of 18 trainee solicitors currently going through the process of qualifying, Natasha achieved the notable milestone of becoming a qualified solicitor at the end of May.

A significant achievement for any aspiring legal professional, Natasha has worked diligently over the past two years, and well before that, to reach this point.

Natasha, who works in our Personal Injury Team, said: “It’s a big achievement and something I’ve worked towards for a long time now so I’m very pleased to accomplish this milestone.

“It has been a stepping stone journey over quite some time. It has been challenging at times but has helped enhance my knowledge in different areas and has been a good learning curve.

“It has given me an insight into different aspects that I either hadn’t looked at since previous academic studies or hadn’t had much exposure to.”

Jo Amos, Winns Training Principal, said: “I am very pleased to see Natasha successfully completing her training contract and qualify as a solicitor.

“She has worked hard to achieve this and deserves to have reached this point. I wish her every success as a solicitor and I am sure she will use her experience to good effect as a senior member of the PI Portals Team.”

Catherine Walker, Portal Manager in the Personal Injury Department, said: “Natasha has really developed over the past two years and has significantly developed her knowledge of dealing with MOJ portal claims.

“She has really developed her skills during her training contract and I believe she has the potential to excel as a solicitor.

“Really well done on this achievement, Natasha.”