Five Promoted in Expanding First Response Team

Here at Winn Group, we pride ourselves on providing career pathways for staff so they can evolve with us as our company growth continues.

To that end, it is always great to see employees receive promotions with five coming in our First Response Team.

By promoting five members of the team to Senior Technical Claims Handler roles, these individuals have taken their next career step with Winn Group, a reward for their loyalty, dedication, and expertise in the job.

We’d like to congratulate Sophie Bowman, Jack Cairns, Callum Cummings, Chris Devine, and Stephen Doyle for securing a promotion amid strong competition during the interview process.

It’s just reward for this group, who have been part of the growth of FRT and now take their next professional steps with us.

Paul Hewitson, Deputy Head of FRT, said: “Well done to Sophie, Jack, Callum, Chris, and Stephen!

“Thank you for the dedication you have shown to date. You are all great team players and have really demonstrated your support to the First Response Team.

“I look forward to seeing you develop further in your new roles, and I know FRT will benefit from your experience and assistance.”

After accepting their roles, here’s what the five had to say:

Sophie Bowman: “I was over the moon to find out I was being offered the promotion as the quality of the candidates put forward was very high.

“I felt a sense of pride as this was a big achievement after going full time in November. I hope to be able to support new colleagues and share everything I’ve learned in FRT over the last 3 years.”

Jack Cairns: “I was shocked about being offered the role as the competition in FRT is unbelievable.

“I must thank Jake Robinson, who has turned me into the claims handler I am today. Moving forward, I hope to continue to offer a helping hand wherever I can and also continue supporting trainees.”

Callum Cummings: “I was happy to have been considered for the role initially as it is always good to be recognised within a team that has a lot of other great individuals. 

"I’m hoping that I can bring some attributes to the role that can help FRT succeed further moving forward.”

Chris Devine: I felt great satisfaction to be offered the role of senior, it showed how hard I have worked since I joined the company in January 2023.

I hope to bring to FRT my continued passion and enthusiasm for the role and hope to pass my knowledge onto all members of the FRT department.

Stephen Doyle: “I was delighted when I was offered the new role as there were a lot of strong candidates.

“I’m very thankful to Kelly for her support in helping me to progress into this role and I look forward to helping the department grow and succeed.”