Michael’s Triple Triathlon Challenge

Proclaim Developer Michael Kealy is taking on an impressive challenge this summer – he is set to complete three triathlons between now and August.

An avid cyclist, Michael took part in his first triathlon in 2014, and was hooked. This year, he will participate in the following Winns Solicitors sponsored events: the Ponteland Triathlon, Spanish City Triathlon and the Castles Triathlon, as well as Bike for Bobby, a 125 mile bike ride around the North East. 

Michael is most looking forward to the Castles Triathlon “because of the beautiful scenery at Bamburgh and along the Northumberland coast.”

First up is the Ponteland Triathlon, which will take place on Sunday 12th July. Michael will complete a 400m swim before cycling 20km and running a further five km.

Michael, who cycles six km to work each day, said “I’m most looking forward to the cycling leg of the triathlons as that is my strongest discipline. I’m least looking forward to the swim, as I’ve not had the chance to do as much training as I would have liked. It’s going to be challenging but rewarding.”

Over the course of these four strenuous events, Michael will be raising money for The Sunshine Fund, a charity dedicated to improving the lives of disabled children in the North East. You can sponsor Michael by visiting his Just Giving page. Good luck Michael!