We’re Proud to be Supporting Stay Strong Stu

Winns is exceptionally proud to be sponsoring a charity rugby match in aid of Stu Ridley on April 22nd.

The match will see Clem’s Pirates taking on Northumberland Vets at Kingston Park, the home of Newcastle Falcons, to raise money for Stu Ridley, the Tynedale rugby player who has been diagnosed with an aggressive, inoperable, brain tumour.

Despite receiving such devastating news, Stu is tackling his illness with characteristic good humour and determination, charging forward with his treatment and eyeing up a return to first team rugby.

Stu’s inspirational attitude has seen his Facebook page, Stay Strong Stu, attract thousands of supporters from around the world, as well as attracting the attention of both the Newcastle Falcons and the England’s rugby coach, Stuart Lancaster. We know there will be plenty more people showing their support at the match.

Entry to the match is free but there will be collection buckets placed around the ground for donations. The players are also showing their support for Stu’s cause by paying to take part.

Winn Solicitors’ Finance Director, Iain Richardson, said;

“Winns are pleased to join with Clem’s Pirates and the North East rugby community and offer our support to the Stay Strong Stu campaign.

“We hope that our contribution, along with the efforts of all those involved in the match, can help Stu in his battle to overcome this illness. Stay Strong Stu!”

The Stay Strong Stu match kicks off at 8pm at Kingston Park. The game will also be shown as part of local TV station Made in Tyne and Wear’s programme, Wor Rugby.