We’re Supporting The Sunshine Fund at the GNR!

We are delighted to be supporting the Sunshine Fund in the Great North Run 2016, for the second year in a row. The money raised by those taking part in the run on behalf of the Sunshine Fund will go towards supporting disabled and seriously ill children around the North East.

Two members of Winns staff, Adam Robinson and Mick Davis, completed the 13.1 mile run in 2015 on behalf of The Sunshine Fund, in very impressive times. In 2016, we hope to continue this success and raise even more money to help purchase specialist equipment that children need to improve their quality of life.

This year’s race will take place on Sunday 11th September. We’re encouraging both Winns staff and the general public to run as part of Team Sunshine. Runners will receive a Sunshine Fund running vest, and benefit from the fantastic hospitality tent at the end of the run. The tent serves as a meeting point for friends and family, and a place to enjoy the refreshments that are on offer. Complimentary sports massages will even be available to help relieve those aches and pains.

Last year, we raised £4,470 for The Sunshine Fund through a range of charitable events, including the Great North Run. One of the children that this money helped was called Jamie, who visited the Winn Solicitors office yesterday. The efforts of Winns and other local businesses and individuals meant that The Sunshine Fund could purchase a specially built trike for Jamie. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this possible.

If you’d like to get involved in the Great North Run, and help make a difference to the lives of hundreds of ill and disabled children across the North East, contact Rebecca Jama on 0191 201 6066 or email: to register your interest.