Winn Group is Carbon Neutral

Winn Group is pleased to confirm it has achieved carbon neutral status as part of our determination to offset carbon emissions associated with the company.

In the process of our day-to-day operations, the organisation builds up a sizeable carbon footprint, one we’re not prepared to ignore.

Seeking to do our bit in the battle against climate change, our commercial and ethical responsibility has seen Winns engage in not only achieving a Carbon Footprint Standard for demonstrating ways the organisation seeks to be greener but also investing in a high-quality carbon offset project based in Thailand.

The Chaiyaphum Wind Farm Power Project is designed to generate clean electricity to the amount of 128,947 MWh/year which will replace capacity delivered through the burning of fossil fuels.

This is one element of our carbon reduction efforts, with others including:

  • A 50% reduction in energy consumption in large open areas through LED lighting and advanced ‘Presence and Absence’ detection sensors, which automatically turn off lights in unoccupied offices.
  • A daylight harvesting system and upgraded A/C controls, with new equipment saving up to 30% in energy.
  • Installing photovoltaic solar panels that will cut grid energy use.

Janet McCrindle, Winn Group ESG Lead, said: “The company is pleased to achieve carbon neutral status. Our offsetting program delivers tangible benefits not only to a community that needs it, but it lays the foundation for the delivery of renewable green energy in the long term.

“This demonstrates our desire to counter our carbon footprint and contribute to a global fight to reduce and lessen the impact of climate change.

“Our ESG commitments are central to our future and this is just one milestone on that journey.”