Winns Team Take on the Sunshine Run

A team of 27 Winn Solicitors staff took part in the five kilometre Sunshine Run along the Newcastle and Gateshead Quayside yesterday. The run, organised by The Chronicle Sunshine Fund, takes place annually to raise money for disabled children in the North East.

Staff from Winns thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this event, which they have been involved with every year for almost a decade. Congratulations to Andy Morris from On Hire, who was the first Winns employee to cross the line.

Director Ghazala Bashey, who took part in the run, said;

“Winns have supported the Sunshine Fund for many years and it was great to see so many of our staff take part in the race again this year. Raising money for this fantastic cause to help local children is always worthwhile and it is also great to be part of a team event. We look forward to running again and increasing our numbers by even more next year!”

The Winns team also took part in The Sunshine Fund’s Wear Yellow fundraiser on 12th June 2015.