Anniversary: Learne Enjoys 15-Year Milestone

When landing at Newcastle Airport, you might have spotted that the baggage claim area signage screams Winns with our branding on the carousel!

For Learne Keltie, who recently passed the 15-year anniversary milestone working at Winn Group, not only did she get that reminder when coming back from her celebration weekend in Benidorm, but she also had it on the way out too.

She said, "To celebrate the anniversary, I went to Benidorm on a brilliant long weekend with my friends and work colleagues, Corrina and Kim. We met a few other Winns staff including Emma Monaghan and Hugo, who were also on our flight – happy days!”

More than just days, Learne recently passed 15 years at Winn Group. A fantastic achievement, she has been with the company since 2008 and is keen to continue progressing her career with us.

The Senior Telematics and Claims Processor continued: “In my previous job, I worked up to being the manager of my own branch, which was really demanding, so starting at Winns in FRT 15 years ago was like a breath of fresh air.

“I have had a number of different roles within the department and have now only thought about progressing and enjoying the role I am currently in. 

“I am sure there is still a lot for me to learn and there is a lot of my experience that I can pass on to new members of the team.

“It certainly is the people you work with that make all the difference and because of them, this makes me want to stay. Over the years at Winns, I have made some wonderful friendships, one of those being Kerrie Lee Scullion, who was the funniest and loveliest person ever.”

Paul Hewitson, Deputy Head of FRT, said: “Learne’s dedication to Winns over the last 15 years is commendable. FRT has benefited and continues to benefit from her drive, reliability, friendliness, and loyalty. 

“Learne has worked in several different roles within FRT, making a success of every role.  She is truly a respected ‘veteran’ in our First Response Team, and our team continues to profit from her experience and assistance. Thanks, Learne!”

Liam Parker, Telematics and Claims Processing Team Manager, said: "Everybody loves Learne. She's FRT royalty and a living embodiment of our core values."