Hollie Hannard has joined Natalie Rolfe in completing her apprenticeship with Winn Group.
The pair have been successful in their learning and now become Legal Assistants in the Personal Injury Department.
Both Hollie and Natalie are looking to progress into long-lasting legal careers at the company, with their apprenticeship providing a strong foundation on which to progress.
David Dewar, Winn Group Associate Director - Head of Commercial and Contested Litigation, said: “Hollie and Natalie’s desire and commitment to learn impressed me from the moment they joined the team, which convinced me that there was a huge benefit to both the individual and business to further develop the Apprentice Legal Assistant program within the PI department.
“Hollie and Natalie, in completing their apprenticeship, are perfect examples to the newer members of the team as to what can be achieved with dedication and commitment.
“I look forward to supporting them to gain further knowledge and experience in the field of personal injury litigation and seeing their careers flourish at the Winn Group.”
Craig Baxter, Hire Specialist Team Leader in the Personal Injury department, oversaw their apprenticeship and was pleased to see them achieve their next step on their career path.
He said: “Both Natalie and Hollie have been integral to the development of the team. Both have contributed to the development of the training material and continuously looked at ways to improve our processes since joining the department for the overall benefit of both the business and the client.
“I know the work and support they provide to the Personal Injury team is appreciated and has been welcomed by all. Both have developed into mentors for the new starters who have recently joined the team.
“Natalie and Hollie have made a great start to their careers with Winns and being close friends, I am sure one will follow the other in their career paths.”
I look forward to supporting them to gain further knowledge and experience in the field of personal injury litigation and seeing their careers flourish at the Winn Group
David Dewar, Winn Group Associate Director - Head of Commercial and Contested Litigation
We took a few minutes of their time to catch up with Hollie and Natalie on their recent success:
What did your apprenticeship involve you doing? How long did it last?
HH: This was a business administration apprenticeship so it involved doing research around how businesses work and what type of stakeholders are involved. I also had to do research around current legislations. Once I did all of my course work I then had to complete a multiple-choice exam and do a project presentation on what I would improve about the business. This lasted just over two years! I was more than happy when it was over and I could progress within the business.
NR: My apprenticeship involved multiple essays and assignments, as well as keeping a time log of all training completed within the company, and a personal development plan to help me keep track of my goals, targets, and to plan for my future within Winn Group.
What was most challenging about your apprenticeship? What did you do well?
HH: At first, I would say it was challenging to understand all the legislations but with the help of the guides we have on the intranet I used that for my training in my apprenticeship. I would say I managed my time well between my work with Winns and the apprenticeship.
NR: The most challenging part of the apprenticeship was probably the End Point Assessments, in which I had to complete a presentation about a process within On Medical that I had improved and how this had benefitted both my colleagues and the company. This went really well, as I feel that I presented my amended process in a very confident and professional manner and came out of my exam feeling proud of what I had achieved.
How did the company support you through the process?
HH: Winns gave me time away from my normal day-to-day tasks to focus on my apprenticeship time. I also had support more recently from my current team leader, Craig Baxter, pushing me to revise etc.
NR: Winns supported me through this process by giving me ample study leave on a weekly basis. This meant I was able to keep a healthy balance between my role within the company and my external studies.
What do you want to do in your future career?
HH: I’m now a Legal Assistant and get my pay rise, which is obviously great! I can now focus on my career to hopefully become a Fee Earner later down the line and possibly do a Training Contract.
NR: My next step within Winn Group will be to begin the entry level Cilex course and move into a Fee Earner role within the PI department. I hope that my future career ties in with staying here as they offer so much support and progression, and I see myself being able to achieve my full potential in this environment.