Clean Air Day – Now is the Time to Change

Every year, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths in the UK.

It is accepted by the World Health Organisation and the UK government as one of the largest environmental health risks of our time.

It’s why Clean Air Day 2020 was created, to educate and highlight the societal issues surrounding air pollution and work on ways to improve the situation.

Winn Group has supported Clean Air Day previously and continues to support its message, with one of the company’s Associate Directors, Jo Amos, previously a member of the Newcastle upon Tyne Air Quality Consultation Group for Professional Services.

“The experience of Covid-19 has been profound and life-changing for many,” she said.

“It forced us to remain in our homes for long spells during lockdown earlier in the year, which in turn had a hugely positive impact on air pollution levels, particularly in town and city centres.

“With fewer cars on the road, air quality improved quickly and this was found in many cities across the globe.

“Although the pandemic itself has been a terrible ordeal, it provides an opportunity for change for the environment and our impact on it.

“It gives us the chance to lessen our impact and use our vehicles in a more considered way as part of a societal shift in our behaviour.

“Taking a greener approach to our commutes can tangibly improve air quality levels.”

The campaign falls on the same week as Walk to School Week, arranged by Living Streets, which seeks to get more children to walk as part of their daily routine.

Winns is sponsoring a local primary school – St Lawrence’s – to promote this message, which has health benefits for the individual, but also improves air quality around schools with over 2,000 schools and nurseries in England and Wales within 150 metres of a road breaching legal levels of NO2 pollution.

Improving air quality is a benefit to us all. Now is the time to change.