Milestone: Susan Celebrates 20 Years

Starting as one of the first 30 employees at Winn Group 20 years ago, Susan Dodgson has recently hit a very significant milestone at the company.

The company has grown exponentially in the past two decades, going from a one-office site back in 2003 to a three-site location with over 500 staff and a predicted turnover of £200 million today.

Susan has been part of the journey throughout, and it is testament to her hard work and dedication that she remains a valued member of the Central Admin Team.

It’s probably best not to highlight that ‘Sound of the Underground’ by Girls Aloud was top of the charts in 2003, or that DVD’s were overtaking VHS as the new way to watch things.

But for Susan it will always be a big year in her life, as she began a long association with the company.

She said: “I remember everyone was really down to earth when I started 20 years ago and I can remember thinking I was going to love working here.

“I was given the opportunity to head up the Central Admin Team with Kate Brooks as my deputy – this is something I never imagined I could do.     

“I can honestly say that after 20 years I still really enjoy coming to work and have the best team.   

“Being in a job for as long 20 years is a massive achievement and I am very proud of myself! I think the only two people who have been here longer are Jeff (Winn) and Jo (Amos).

“It certainly does not feel like 20 years. I still feel 21 (although I know I don’t look it) so I definitely think I can make another 20 years!”

Line Manager and Associate Director David Dewar said: “Susan is a much-valued member of the team and leads the Central Admin aspect of the company brilliantly.

“A popular person in the office, we really appreciate all she has done and continues to do for Winn Group. Twenty years is a long time for anyone at any company, so this achievement is something to be applauded and celebrated. Well done, Susan, on reaching this milestone!”