Winns Staff receive Action on Hearing Loss Training

Over 30 more Winns staff are now officially Deaf Aware after receiving excellent training from Action on Hearing Loss.

The training supports Winns' Louder than Words accreditation helping us to be more aware of and provide more informed support to clients and colleagues with a hearing disability.

Over 11 million people in the UK are affected by hearing loss, and Winns is conscious of making its service accessible to those people. The Deaf Awareness training allows Winns to provide the right support for clients and employees who are affected.

The support Winns currently provides to clients suffering from hearing loss includes hearing loops, Next Generation Text, Live Chat, Notetakers and provision of sign language interpreters.

On completing the training Ross Jackson, Marketing Executive at Winn Group commented;

"I found the training really useful because it gave me a different perspective on the interactions which we take for granted both in terms of communication with people and fulfilling everyday tasks. It definitely made me much more aware which serves a practical purpose for clients."

Action on Hearing Loss is a national charity that has been supporting and helping people who suffer from hearing loss in the UK by providing day-to-day-care, practical information, campaigning for a fairer world for people with hearing loss, and funding research to find a cure since 1911.

Did you know:

  • 1 in 6 of the UK population have some kind of hearing loss
  • This is expected to increase to 1 in 5 by 2035
  • Over 900,000 people are severely or profoundly deaf
  • Around 2 million people have hearing aids
  • 1 in 10 UK adults experience tinnitus
  • 50-70,000 people use sign language as their main language (this is likely to be an underestimate)
  • Winns was the first law firm to be accredited with the Louder Than Words charter mark back in 2013

If you would like any further information, please visit the Action on Hearing Loss website here​.