Read the latest news from the Winn Group brands

Having worked at Winns for 13 years, Simon was delighted with his latest promotion to Training Officer. We caught up with him to find out what has made him so happy to stay with Winns.
Winn Group staff have smashed their target to donate 150 Easter Eggs to charity Daft As A Brush, amassing an amazing 468 for the cause.
Phil Aspin is celebrating a well-deserved promotion to Team Leader in the Winns Costs department.
Hybrid and sustainable home-working solutions are top of business leaders’ agendas as the possibilities have become apparent following the need for flexibility during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The pair have gone from Team Senior roles to Team Leaders, with both enjoying this latest career step after five years at the company.
Always looking ahead to the next technological advances which can benefit the client, we asked Jackie Parker, Group Development Team Leader, to tell us how her career led her to IT, what her role entails and what the future holds for Winn Group clients from the IT team.
Team Senior Joanne Reid has been awarded a promotion to the role of Team Leader at On Medical 24/7, following six years at the company.
Huge congratulations to Andrea who has completed her training contract with Winn Solicitors.
Winn Group has the pleasure of welcoming Melissa to the HR team.
I started working at Winn Group in April 2019 and then started my apprenticeship in May 2019.
Before I started my apprenticeship at Winns I was in sixth form studying four different subjects, after the first year, I realised it wasn’t for me. I started to apply for jobs, I saw Winns advertising a business admin role and applied.
Winn Group Apprenticeship start date: 2019, but I had to take a break due to maternity leave.
I started working on my Level 3 Business Administration Apprenticeship with Winn Group two years ago.
I started working at Winns in April 2019 and began the apprenticeship in the May.
Winn Group Apprenticeship start date: September 2018