Read the latest news from the Winn Group brands

Did you happen to see the big game this week? No, not the World Cup (although we know a lot of you will be glued to the action in Russia), we're talking about the first league game of the season for Winns FC!
Led by Chris Birkett, our six-person strong sales team travels the country on behalf of Winn Solicitors, establishing links with brokers and third parties that benefit all parties involved.
Winns would like to wish Thomas Douglas a happy anniversary on his dedicated decade with Winns.
Winn Solicitors is thrilled to welcome David Benham to the role of Applications Manager in our IT department.
This week is Walk to School Week, and Winns is sponsoring four schools in our local area to help them get involved.
The EU's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules are coming into force imminently, and at Winns we have been hard at work to make sure that we are leading the way in data compliance.
Winn Group is taking further steps to better support its employees by registering to become a Mindful Employer.
Congratulations are in order for Whitley Bay Sporting Club U13s girl’s team, who have recently lifted the Wade Financial Trophy!
We caught up with Training and Development Officer Mark Essam six months into the job to see how things are going.
Congratulations are in store for Liam Warren, Daniel Strong and Haleema Gohar, who have all completed their training contracts with Winns, and are soon to be admitted to the solicitors roll.
At the end of last month, Ben Marshall, from our First Response Team, took part in a charity boxing match in Sunderland.
Last weekend, the Newcastle City Juniors debuted their brand new training tracksuits for their Easter Open Tournament in Holland.
Liam Parker, from Gateshead, joined Winn Solicitors eight years ago as admin assistant in the Post Team.
Suzanne Winn has recently celebrated her ten-year anniversary of working with the firm. We caught up with her to find out more about her experience of working with us.
Introducing our post team. A team of nine, made up of seven apprentices and two supervisors, they provide essential administrative support across the business.